Working out at a half a billion pounds per week , I'm sure that's the figure mentioned, no doubt Im open to be corrected on that ,
That's an awful lot of money with our economy shot right now
Yet another fag packet idea,but a lot more expensive than the £50 to get ya bike up and running. If we catch you breaking covid rules we will fine you, but then give you £500 to help you pay the fine. Good god!!
dave50, how do you mean, if those who refuse the vaccine for whatever their reason, then contract the virus, they should still get treament.. are you saying they shouldn;t....
teacake44: "Yet another fag packet idea,but a lot more expensive than the £50 to get ya bike up and running. If we catch you breaking covid rules we will fine you, but then give you £500 to help you pay the fine. Good god!!"
I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong, but I understood that someone leaked this £500 idea before Boris had even seen it. It was contained in a 'suggestions' paper or something. Because it got out and all over the news, the refutation now casts the govt. in a 'spoilsport' light.
So who leaked it is the question? We obviously can't afford it and I am glad the idea has been quashed. I know a lad in the village ( Yr. 11 at school) who told me that one pupil was taking 50p off a lot of other kids in payment for coughing a lot! (It was at the beginning last year and he'd been to Italy on a skiing trip.) I can very easily imagine people fabricating Covid symptoms to gain £500.