DVD writing in The AnswerBank: Technology
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DVD writing

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Dr_metz_livs | 23:02 Sun 10th Sep 2006 | Technology
2 Answers
Hi I just bought a DVD writer but it didn't come with any software. I downloaded deepBurner however, I can't get the dvds I burn to play on my ordinary dvd player. Why is this and what can I do about it? Also what is the best software to use, I hear Nero is quite good but I'm a bit new to this. Is there any good freeware dvd writing software?
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AAGH! Half my answer's disappeared!!

Why won't your DVDs play? Probably because they're in the wrong format. Many DVD players will recognise file types such as Mpeg or AVI but some won't. Commercial DVDs use the VOB format, so you might need to convert your video files to this format before burning them to DVD. This looks like it will do the job:
http://www.download.com/Super-Fever-Link/3000- 2194_4-10418057.html?tag=lst-0-4


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