What Planet These People On in The AnswerBank: Current Affairs
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What Planet These People On

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teacake44 | 12:04 Sun 08th Aug 2021 | Current Affairs
108 Answers
Yet again we have another country burning to the ground.,And yet still we have people complaining they are not able to get on a polluting plane to go on their so called well earned holiday abroad. Incredible greed and selfishness.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes indeed. First world problems. Incidentally I wld love to get on a plane but mine wld be to see family on another continent. It’s been 2.5 years and I was supposed to fly there last March when lockdown hit. My parents are elderly and my mum has been dx with cancer. But South Africa is still on the “red” list. So in my case I believe hopping in a plane is a good reason -...
16:31 Sun 08th Aug 2021
That should be 40 minute plane ride
teacake by name,teacake by nature.
Do you mean fruitcake?
Yes indeed. First world problems. Incidentally I wld love to get on a plane but mine wld be to see family on another continent. It’s been 2.5 years and I was supposed to fly there last March when lockdown hit. My parents are elderly and my mum has been dx with cancer. But South Africa is still on the “red” list. So in my case I believe hopping in a plane is a good reason - it wldnt be “just” a holiday. But agree those who moan they can’t go abroad ought to realise how lucky we really are in this country with our healthcare , vaccines etc.
Eve I feel for you , really I do although I’ve not seen anyone here ‘moan ‘ they can’t go abroad, I’d like to but if I can’t then so be it
Air travel contribution to climate change is about 3%. Why don't you moan about the main 97% instead of constantly hitting on foreign holidays just to be nasty. It's pathetic.
Good luck with that Prudie
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Carry on making the excuses for flying abroad for holidays, I do think the best one now( excuse) is they are being started deliberately, yep they can investigate that, and prove it, while they are fighting fires that cover thousands of square miles. Pull the other one its got bells on. :0)
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Just a thought, the people who are starting these fires all over the planet deliberately, also managed to get to Siberia and start one there 3.7m Acres destroyed in the frozen lands, they must by now be running out of matches, so may be they will stop now.
It's madness how people are turning a blind eye to all of this. Flash floods in summer in some countries and others on fire.

This is only the start of things to come. In the decades to come we will see billions of people displaced because of it, water scarcity, and food shortage. These are just a few of the implications.

We need more urgent action.
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You see Prudie thats what people get called ( nasty) when its something they don't want to hear at any cost, if it upsets their own plans. Now when you talk of percentages, what ever percentage it may be, it is something we can alter right now, today, reduce flying, but if you would care to swap that, and have your heating boiler switched off instead over winter, or have your flight? well thats difficult to choose from, or is it? but I'm afraid like it or not these are the choices we are going to have to make. At the moment people who have gone on holidays to the fire stricken areas, are not running to the beach to have fun, they are running for their lives, because it a lot of cases its the only place to run to stand a chance of stopping alive, and thats only if they can still manage to get oxygen down their lungs, due to the smog and smoke.
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I dare say someone will be telling us soon that the flooding in the underground trains in China was caused by someone leaving the tap running.
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Donald, sadly it soon gets forgotten until the next time, The flooding in Germany has soon been forgotten, how many there? I think they are still trying to work that out. Out of sight, out of mind is sure to be true.
I call you nasty because you have banged on about foreign holidays all year. If you genuinely care then make some other more practical suggestions for the uninitiated to put into practice to combat global warming. I don't think you care at all, it's just a stick to beat people with (borne out by your many look at me posts concerning driving your motorhome all over the place). The hypocrisy is stunning.
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Like I say its not what you want to hear, that's why many on here call Greta Thunberg a nasty little child, because she is showing adults the right direction to go.
I'll not get too bogged down in this because some of the hysteria is truly breathtaking. However, just one thing:

//Just a thought, the people who are starting these fires all over the planet deliberately, also managed to get to Siberia and start one there...//

I imagine, tc, you are suggesting that "climate change", rather than people with matches, is the cause. If that's so, could you explain how climate change caused a forest fire in Siberia. I'm genuinely intrigued.
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Well to save me getting bogged down and trying to explain all that NJ could you google it, forest fires in Siberia 2021 its all there and explained a lot better than I could explain it. But just for a taster I was watching a tv program a few weeks back, and it appears that way way underground, many meters were the earth has been frozen for decades, is now thawing at an alarming rate releasing yet more harm full gases. It was a very interesting, but also very worrying has this has never been know to happen ( the thawing of the under ground ice) Hope this helps.
TC, why are so angry all the time ?
'Cos she's stuck on her own in a camper van I expect. Enough to make anyone sour.

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