Yeah - I have done a "I just dont remember any of this" act
and my accusers lawyers did a - oh they said this and they did that
and I said nope!
I think they successfully sued someone else - we were all insured
and I did a 'look I dont want my premiums to go up - they only go up when I say "yes I did this and you gonna have to pay" '
and they went yah-dee-yah
Oh I ran over someone after I had sold a car !
clearly not insured
and DVLA and the VCR 20 were so bad that I had written a (holograph) letter to DLVA saying I had sold it for value.
slow moving reptiles at DVLA must have found it eventually and said - oh yeah he did
Didn't his son have the same memory block ,when he said he could not remember giving Jennifer Arcuri £26, 000 of tax payers money for sex
when he was Mayor of London.