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A Perfect Chance

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CrapAtCryptics | 13:03 Mon 13th Dec 2021 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
for Biden to say - only if you let the girls go back to school and start adopting the basic freedoms for the ordinary Afghan people. If they wont just put them on the terrorist list and refuse to fund their sad regime.


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I realise this is in chatterbank so probably not looking for a debate.
Whilst I don't agree with the taliban - what right does 1 country have to tell another country how to run itself?
Also, what right does 1 country have to withhold money that does not belong to it?
Damn savages - end of!
This should be moved to news.
Maybe a debate isn't wanted, that won't stop it from happening. This certainly isn't * natter and nonsense *

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A Perfect Chance

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