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Annoying Pop Ups On Answerbank

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smurfchops | 18:50 Thu 10th Mar 2022 | Technology
19 Answers
How can I get rid of them, they are covering questions and answers and are really annoying


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The pop-up ads are part of the page and therefore can't be blocked. However they're not meant to prevent you from reading questions and answers! Any such problem is likely to be linked to the browser that you're using and/or the device that you're using it on. (For example, the Answerbank's site seems to have caused quite a few problems to people viewing it on iPads, with Safari, in the past).

So which device and browser are you using?
On my phone the site is becoming almost unusable.

An advert for ladies underwear obscures about 75% of the page, and it can’t be a targeted Ad because I can assure you ladies knickers are not in my browsing history.
That's odd, Deskdiary.

I've just checked on my own phone, (Android, using the Samsung Internet browser) and the only add is a very small one, at the top of my screen for Coral bookmakers. It doesn't block my view of the site at all.

AB's techies might like to know about any device/browser combinations that render the site almost unusable. In the meantime though, try a different web browser.
I have the same problem on my iPhone but not on my iPad.
Question Author
I use safari, ads are taking up about a quarter of the page, top and bottom.
It comes as no surprise to me to find out that you're using Safari. It's the one browser that is behind well over 90% of the problems that people report here about AB not working/displaying as it should. Hopefully the new owner of AB will kick the techies up their backsides and get them to test changes to the website with Safari before uploading them to the web in future.

In the meantime, why not try a different browser, such as Opera
or Chrome?
Hi smurfchops, thanks for letting us know about the issue - we're looking into it.
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//Hopefully the new owner of AB will kick the techies up their backsides//

Yes all well and good, and as someone who has programmed for many years I do appreciate what you are saysing, but I would imagine this site operates on a shoestring. Full testing cycles take as long as the coding and sometimes more, it is simply not practical or achievable I would suspect with the current model.

Of course if everyone wants to pump in £100 a year subscription to help bolster the revenue from the Ads then all may well be good.

If not, we just need to get on with it. Tech is not for free.
I have asked our techies about it, Ozzy, and that's all I can do for the time being until I hear back. There's no need to be rude to me about it, we're all doing our best here.
AnswerBank is just like other sites with Adverts popping up. The one which annoys me is at the bottom which obscures the bottom of the page and we have to delete it to read the page, why should we have to repetitively delete THEIR adverts?.
Try Brave, it's faster than Chrome
Smurfchops, can you please let me know what phone or device you are using? If you would be able to take a screenshot of how the ads look on your device and show it to me, that would also be really helpful so we can improve this.
More annoying is the standard answer from Google 'we'll try not to show that as again' and then appears again.
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They seem smaller now but so annoying with tiny crosses to delete. We don’t want them Ed!!
Of course we don't want them but the powers that be claim not to be able to afford to keep AB viable without them.

If it's a storage issue, why not just delete every thread which hasn't been posted on in, say, a month? Especially in CB and crosswords.
IPad on Safari, no ad blocker very few ads
Question Author
Ed, this is just five minutes ago on Safari. Getting ridiculous. We just want questions and answers, we don’t want to buy anything.

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