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chimney | 18:25 Mon 20th Feb 2006 | News
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I remember people telling me that McDonalds were funding the IRA (about a penny from every pound), because of this I never ate them again.Was there any truth in it?



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And the way you have said OUT like I said Roger. It really is becoming rather homo-erotic. But then again I suppose you are used to sharing with lots of guys aren't you. A priveledge I never endured apart from in battle. But then again you never endured battle did you. Oooooooooh the bad army makes me kill kids.Oooooooo i am sooooo upset I am going to leave. Ooooooo sob sob sob. Why am I such a coward? I bet your sought Army counselling didn't you, just like the wimpish yellow back you are.

"Out" being the end of a military radio transmission, but then you would know that being ex military would'nt you?

like I said you are a liar and a fraud.

I win. The only thing you could kill Minter is time and then only if you had help, lots of help, and if you want insults......

I was in uniform while you were in liquid form

I was presenting arms while you were growing arms.

I'll punch you so hard that when you come round your clothes will be in fashion.

PS is your 1st name Anrdew by any chance?

Lambert as I said give me your pay number. Simply as that.Why do you want to punch me? I have told you I don't want to be beaten up. Call it self presevation if you like. That's what those pesky kids probably did when you killed them. Bless their mothers, still weeping probably.

Pay number??????

PS I am insulted by your insults. Please stop

I like you Johnny Boy.

Andrew XX

PPS and you're a ninkinpoop.

you 1st

After all I am a gentleman.

PS it was only a few kids that got killed in Gulf war 1 that was after we destroyed the adults ( mostly by good old hand to hand). Still want to call me yellow? I think you have less backbone htan a jellyfish


that should have been than a jellyfish

Then all the more reason not to meet you for a fight then isn't it? You are hardly selling me the offer are you? Christ. I may not have too much in this world but at least my nose is straight.

Lambert, whatever I say about you I am sure you have a modicom of intellect somewhere. Think about it. If and only if I was actually in the ROYAL Intelligence Corps, Tri-Service(1st Reg BCT) do you really expect me to give out any details over a web site. Just hold that thought.

I am sure you would agree. Likewise if i am the fraud you say I am, I would have a number would I. Easy cop out for me granted, but methinks this was a "trip-up" question.

This old rupert may be a war-horse but think about it?

Ok, how do we resolve this?

And pleeeeeeeeease stop sending me kisses

Well to tell you the truth Lambert we have nothing to resolve. My career will not change whether you are right or wrong will it? Apart from making you look silly what have I got to gain. I don't do fighting dear boy so that is out. It's not cowardice, it's the law and self respect. Beside's I really don't think my wife will appreciate it. And believe it or not she comes well before you..

So for the umpteenth time. give me your pay number. If you are as brave as you state and me a wimp what are you scared of. Yes, I will have your personal details but you are prepared aren't you. I travel the lenght and breadth of the UK I will pay you a visit. Even buy you a beer.

To tell you the truth there are 7 John Lamberts listed, if that is your name which it probably is I have your details already. No breech of security, I still hold some authority. But as I am not really that bothered to chase up 7 guys, 6 of which are probably OK, a direct hit would be good.

So pay number and I will sort it. It is that simple. Your call Lambert. If not, your issues will never be resolved unless you go dogging.

"do you really expect me to give out any details over a web site."

works both ways W-M, if you really did work in Int Corps look up NIPG, it wasnt only Iraqis i destroyed.

PS I changed my name for that very reason.

PPS I drink G+T

so the seed of doubt must be in your head for not to give me your number. As that is the case what is your initail point? I either am ex-forces or not?

I may be ex-Royal Intelligence Corps, but this has baffled the hell out of me.

And what the hell is NIPG? Sorry I can not remember every abbreviation. Just more evidence I am a fake I suppose.

Goodnight Lambert. I will retire after your reply.

My point is....... and i've typed it in the search bar

i've never hear of the ROYAL intelligence corps. it always comes up as Intelligence Corps. any ex serviceman (or woman) would know that.

i have no problems with people who live in fantacy land (excuse the spelling, to many G+T's) where I do draw the line is when people pretend to have been soldiers, it's like wearing medals your not enititled to.

Im no coward W-M, I have ran into enemy machine gun fire, I rescued a casualty from a Serbian minefield and wrestled an AK47 from a muslim assasin, (not bad for a yellow bely eh)? unfortunnatly I didnt get the M.C or any other decoration but im not bitter..

NIPG was the Northern Ireland Patrol Group, maybe before your time eh?

Question time has finished, im off to bed.

i'll look forward to your reply in the morning

goodnight W-M

PS you dont need to be an ex officer to be an old war horse, works for ex SNCO's as well

Are you 2 fu**ers still at it - you've obviously both got mad cows disease from eating at McDonalds.

Minty and Lamby sitting in
a tree, K - I - S - S - I - N - G!!! Mwah...smooch...smack...slurp...mwah... a many splendoured thing...tra la laaaaaaa

ah, minty snookums and lamby lumpkin...ahhh

perhaps macdonalds will make a LAMB burtger with MINTer sauce in your honour... badumching!
I think they'd make a great couple, they could sit in their bath chairs reminiscing about army days gone by, play soldiers together, buy a pair of walkie talkies and be in constant communication so they can Roger and Out all day long with each other.
McDonald's does not fund the IRA. On the wage slips the initials IRA stand for individual retirement account. McDonald's company pension. Sending money to the IRA was said as a joke and stupid people believed it instead of realising that it was a joke.

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