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Cold Noodles?

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wolf63 | 14:29 Sat 09th Jul 2022 | Food & Drink
3 Answers
I have accidentally purchased a bigger bag of noodles than I meant to. Can I eat what I don't use today cold?

Cooking stuff isn't a strong point of mine.


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Are the noodles already cooked? If they are the dry sort, then you just use what you need and keep the rest for another day. If they are sort of wet and soggy (fresh?) then I don't know; you need to read the packet instructions. I always buy dried noodles.
Why not just cook the amount you require and save the rest to cook another time?
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They weren't dried noodles, they only needed to be warmed up in whatever concoction I was making.

The writing on the packet is too small to see even with my magnifying glass.

The problem was solved in that within the packet there were two smaller packets.

Whilst stirring my pot of food I managed to knock a big container of washing stain remover onto the floor, but neither of my vacuums would pick it up.

Thanks to both of you

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Cold Noodles?

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