Home & Garden3 mins ago
Cancelling Events
When Diana's funeral was held I seem to remember that some events were cancelled - is this likely to happen with the Queen's funeral? I know some have been cancelled tonight and tomorrow (although wouldn't have though the Queen would want racing cancelled!).
Stop trolling, I had hoped that at a time like this the usual suspects would reign it in a bit.
23:41 Thu 08th Sep 2022
still some doubt about whether there'll be a bank holiday for the funeral
https:/ /www.th eguardi an.com/ uk-news /2022/s ep/09/q ueen-fu neral-w ill-the re-be-b ank-hol iday
Still trying to work this one out https:/ /www.ri chmond. gov.uk/ news/se ptember _2022/m ega_ski p_day_c ancelle d