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The Fishing Trip...

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Chipchopper | 21:06 Tue 03rd Nov 2015 | Jokes
3 Answers
An Alaskan man who had been working hard all the week, was looking forward to the weekend to follow his passion for canoeing and fishing.

Saturday morning eventually comes around and he quietly slips out of bed at 5am and gets dressed in his outdoor clothes, being extra careful not to wake his wife, in the wee small hours.

He tip toes down stairs, packs some lunch and makes a flask of coffee, go's through to the garage ties down the canoe to the roof-rack and drives out of the garage.

As soon as he gets outside, it absolutely pours down with torrential rain. he sits there for a while and listens to the weather report and much of the same is forecast for the whole day.

He decides enough is enough and reverses back into the garage and calls off the trip for another day.

Quietly returning to the house, gets undressed and slips back into bed and snuggles up to his wife of 20 years, and whispers, with a dark brown voice into her ear "honey, its raining cats and dogs out there"

Still half asleep, his wife replied "...and to think that stupid husband of mine has gone out fishing in that crap"

Steve was never too sure if his wife was joking on that early morn but he never took that canoe out again.


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Tables turned!
Simply put, it is a boat excursion service provided by professional fishermen and ship owners who go out to sea for a certain period of time to catch fish. These charters can be tailored to your group's needs or booked for a set price for a specific duration.

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