Fell two weeks ago with Menieres and Vertigo and sustained a bad eye and swollen lump on the back of head. Thought swelling would have gone down but not and so I am still suffering from extreme headaches and keep wrapping a scarf around the forehead. That was two weeks ago.
Last Tuesday was throwing dirty laundry from basket to ground floor and as I gingerly stepped down to retrieve it my left knee floundered and I fell again and hit my head onto the hall wall, so still have the swelling and extreme headaches. No I haven't been to hospital or doctors what with all the nurses strike etc.
Now feeling mentally ill as I so loathe Christmas and keep swamping my head with memories of good times of which I am not having right now.
I haven't been able to get out with the ice surrounding me and can't get a dog walker for my kiddo. Couldn't be any lower.
The eye is bad as is the swelling at the back of my head - I am concerned at the swelling as it has left me more deaf in my right ear than normal.
I do hope next week will see an improvement.
I did get notice from my doctor's surgery (prior to all this) to say that my blood pressure was not good and so have to get another test done next Friday.
I am so worried about losing the little hearing I had - I so hope it will go away.
Can't even bear to wash my hair it is too painful.
Jennyjoan I am out tonight but if you need help please message me at martine_jim1@hotmail.com
Mods- this is an email address set up just for AB years ago
Hi all - am sorry that I am only getting back to you now. Wow to Red Helen for your kind offer but my cousin's daughter came over who lives " a good bit away" and took Maxie out for a while but thank you for your very kind offer.
I have a woollen scarf on my head the moment and it is giving me a little warmth around the head.
I do thank yous all for all your kind help.
I do have an appointment for next Friday for blood pressure test and results so will wait until then and hopefully will get the head looked at then but as Sqad would say maybe the lump will have got down.
Neighbour was over earlier this afternoon and did notice the eye - it has now turned red so hopefully that' s on its way to recovery.
Hey JJ, so sorry to hear you're not doing so well :(
Just wanted to say I feel for your as far as Christmas goes... I have the day off of work and I usually have Sundays off anyways lol I lost my love for it long ago and now my kids are grown I don't see the point.
Please take Helen up on her kind offer and keep chatting to your AB family :)
Take care and I send you healing and love, Lisa xx