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Hymie | 23:03 Wed 14th Jun 2023 | News
43 Answers
If things weren’t bad enough for Brexiteers – day 2 of the Covid pandemic hearing heard evidence that the government’s response to the Covid pandemic was hindered due to Brexit.

Is there no aspect of UK living that has not been negatively impacted by the disaster that Brexit is?



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Hymie, see my reply at 6:31, Brexit hampered our response, at least we got to procure our own vaccines.
Its missleading to describe it as 2evidence given to the enquiry"... its one submission or view that goverments cant focus 100% on one thing- in this case Covid,,, because theres other issues... in our case the economy, public spending , national debt , Brexit. etc. No govment can focus 100% on a pandemic. There;ll be 3 years of other views over the next 3 years. The enquiry will hopefully sort out wheat from the chaff, the politcal monouvres from the truth, the chance to beat up Boris and the Cons and establishment in general, etc
OK. Most unusually, I’ve listened to the full five minutes of some bloke on YouTube (speaking in front of the CWU banner). Here’s the claim from your OP:

“…day 2 of the Covid pandemic hearing heard evidence that the government’s response to the Covid pandemic was hindered due to Brexit.”

There is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, in that clip which supports that claim. The entire clip is concerned with whether or not the UK was able to make its own vaccine approval only because it was no longer an EU member. Some say it was, some say it wasn’t. The discussion did nothing to support your claim that the government’s response was hindered due to Brexit.

As an aside, if the UK was able to make its own approval, no other EU country did so unilaterally and that’s because the EU made it clear that the vaccine development, authorisation and rollout would be on an EU wide basis. So it is fairly plain that, had we still been EU members, we would have been sucked into that edict whether we had the powers to opt out or not.

But all that’s by the way and I’ll ask you again: where is the evidence that you claim exists that led the Covid enquiry to conclude that the UK’s response to the pandemic was hindered by Brexit?

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