Boris Johnson .Refused Planning Permission to build a swimming pool for his family at his,
Oxfordshire manor house,because of the risk to great crested newts. Is this start of payback time ???
Not only is Boris not PM now but he is not even an MP and gulliver still can't get him out of his mind. Sounds a bit like a Kylie song that goes on and on.
as has been stated many times he is nothing but a troll with an unhealthy obsession that gets special treatment on here, and has also been found out to be liar on numerous occasions, and lives a pathetic Walter Mitty life...
he called me inferior and it still stood, that's about the make up of him, yesterday he called me a would be Grey Goose Dipso, that still stood too, but I just laugh at him anyway, he's become a figure of fun now on AB
Often I find the way to get him off a thread he has started is to ask him a question. Myself and others have asked him if he hates Boris and the Tories so much if he had a vote at the last election who would he have voted for but he only has the same choices of leader as the rest of us had. He has never answered and named one of them. Just on here to stir things.
I think it is extremely amusing that the great Boris who you lot enthroned.
Has been defeated by the Great crested newt . Not much of a leader was he after all .
Not a chance gulliver..Rishi is starting his pre election give away..hes sorted the nurses,teachers, might even get a bit more dole money the way its looking :-)