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found in the garden

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LAC21652 | 10:58 Mon 09th Oct 2006 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
1. found in the orchestra
2. imitation stone
3. a fashionable beast
4. bovine accident
5. she was offered half a bicycly
6. christmas wine
7. one way of getting money
8. overworked queen
9. fairy shellfish
( these are 9 of 70 questions!)


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2. shamrock
3. dandelion
5 daisy
5. daisy
9. periwinkle
1. viola
8 Busy Lizzie
3 dandelion
4 Cowslip
5 daisy
8 Busy Lizzie
9 Periwinkle
6 Hollyhock?
6 hollyhock
7 Thrift?
I thought that I was taking too long!
re 6. what about rose ?
-- answer removed --
7. Mint .

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found in the garden

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