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Marriage? Why?

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nailedit | 18:32 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Not been funny to anyone thats married, each to their own kind of thing, but I have never understood the concept of marriage.




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My sister recently got married for the second time at age 69, just can't understand why? She's found love again after her partner of 40 yrs died but why the need for ceromony?

Nailit, there's a difference between 'need' and 'want'. Maybe your sister was guided by the latter?

PS You asked the same question last year and got loads of responses - but it's obviously something that still bewilders you.

It's a statement of commitment to each other, for people you love to celebrate with you.

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I'm 58 now and still don't see the relevance. Never have,

Had a girlfriend in my 20's who wanted marriage. Just as well we never did. A divorce would have cost me financially.

As I said, not against it per se if its what you both want, just can't see any benefit in it when you can just co-habitate


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//it's obviously something that still bewilders you.//

Yeah it does actually.

Just dont get it....

Just wondering how you're feeling now, nailed, hope you are in good form

^ sorry, nailedit!

Why indeed.


I suppose because government tries to arrange things so they put you at a disadvantage if you don't turn your relationship into a marriage as your controllers demand.


But I've never been bothered to go through anachronistic rituals just to prove anything.

It was initially intended to put a stop to random street fornication, surely a good thing for those of us who want to buy a loaf or a pair of shoes without evey doorway being occupied by knee-tremblers.


It's like any aspect of life, if you get it, you get it, if you don't, you don't. 

I think a-h is right.  OH and I began living together when he was 75 (now 91) and we did a 'reverse elopement' from France to UK to tell our various kids. We married when he was 2 months short of 80 yrs. old (he said he didn't want anyone thinking he'd gone ga-ga!).  Why?  

Well there were technical details about house ownerships etc., but they could have been sorted out differently.  We both just wanted to be married to each other. Neither of us has regretted it - and 'Yes, we quarrel and sulk occasionally'. We belong together.

If you don't understand - you don't understand.  It is strengthening each other in that someone always 'has your back', no matter what.  It is not living in each other's pockets.  :)

The thing is, you can have each others backs without any ceremony. The ceremony doesn't change that.

Perhaps the answer is here

Apart from the commitment and emotional reasons, is slightly easier to function in this country if you're married rather than living together. You become each others next of kin, you have joint responsibilities and joint liabilities, you automatically inherit and have certain automatic rights as a wife or husband.

Old Geezer - you can, but without the knees up and three toasters!!!

Why is getting married a problem?

 Marriage can seem an outdated concept. In olden times it was more of an arrangement between families and for the benefit of children. In modern times love has been the factor of marriage, but in these changing times who knows what its future is?.

It's about commitment.  I like being married.  I wouldn't have chosen any other way.  Additionally, it's about security.  I know several couples who have split up and that has led to financial disaster for one or the other.  If break-ups are mutual and people part in agreement and without animosity, fine, but so often love turns to hate - and that can lead to a life of hell.

It's like when a couple have been together for years but then say they don't want to get married because it might spoil things. Why would it? That reasoning doesn't make any sense.

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