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Will Starmer - If He Wins - Be A Part Time Prime Mnister?

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naomi24 | 14:19 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
54 Answers

//Keir Starmer has revealed that he will refuse to work around the clock should his party win Thursday’s election. Speaking to Virgin Radio, the Labour leader contrasted himself with the current premier, well known for keeping long work hours.

Starmer, who has two teenage children, said that he ‘will not do a work-related thing after 6pm [on a Friday] pretty well come what may.’ //


Two thoughts spring to mind.  Either he has no idea what the job entails - or he is in for a very rude awakening. Either way his attitude to the job doesn't bode well.



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gromit, I don't think anyone cares one way or another about his religion - or lack of it.

And Blair supported schools which taught 'intelligent design' and literal reading of the bible. I presume that Starmer would not follow that path.


//  When he first entered parliament in 2015, Rishi Sunak took his oath as an MP on the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred Sanskrit text. And, according to reports, Sunak always keeps a statue of Hindu deity Shri Ganesh on his table.

During the Conservative leadership contest in the summer of 2022, when he came runner-up to Liz Truss, Mr Sunak was asked about his faith. He told party supporters at a hustings event: “I’m a practising Hindu and that’s how we’ve raised our kids. Just a few weeks ago I was back at my temple in Southampton where I grew up. “Every year we have a family prayer day where we cook lunch and serve it to the community, and it was a very special part of how I was brought up and a special part of how I live my life today.” //

And no one was remotely bothered.

"There was widespread concern over the proposal to allow religious groups to take control of more state schools. A You Gov/Observer poll of nearly 6,000 people found that 80 per cent were against the proposal and only 11 per cent in favour (The Observer, 11 November, 2001). The policy became even more controversial in the spring of 2002 when it was revealed that at least two state-funded religious schools in England were teaching their students ‘creationism’ as science. One of these was Emmanuel City Technology College in Gateshead, sponsored by evangelical Christian Peter Vardy. Questioned in the House of Commons about the use of taxpayers’ money to fund such teaching, Tony Blair avoided answering the question and claimed that ‘a more diverse school system ... will deliver better results for our children’."

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We know.

So why do you ask if Starmer will be part time for observing religious ceremonies? No one else seems much bothered?

it is tory propaganda. the "part-time prime minister" comes straight from one of their adverts

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Gromit, it's not about his particular flavour of religion - it's about him saying he'll do his Friday night family thing 'pretty well come what may'.  

Gromit:   //During the Conservative leadership contest in the summer of 2022, when he came runner-up to Liz Truss, Mr Sunak was asked about his faith. He told party supporters at a hustings event: “I’m a practising Hindu and that’s how we’ve raised our kids. Just a few weeks ago I was back at my temple in Southampton where I grew up. “Every year we have a family prayer day where we cook lunch and serve it to the community, and it was a very special part of how I was brought up and a special part of how I live my life today.” //

And no one was remotely bothered.


I was !   If you were to search the AB archive you will find that at the announcement of Sunak as PM I posted "But he's a Hindu !"

He was speaking in the past tense. He added that if important things do arise, then he does them. On Virgin radio he said...

// Speaking to Chris Evans on Virgin Radio on Monday July 1, Sir Keir said: “We’ve had a structure in place that I try to keep to, which is to carve out really protected time for the kids.

“So on a Friday – I’ve been doing this for years – I will not do a work-related thing after six o’clock, pretty well come what may.

“Now there are a few exceptions, but that’s what we do.” //


Sunak has obviously been completely useless. Do you attribute that to him being an Hindu?


Gromit; //

Sunak has obviously been completely useless. Do you attribute that to him being an Hindu?//

Not entirely --- but it helps.

I don't want a  prime minister of Britain who wouldn't pass the Tebbit test, who immediately after stabbing Boris in the back & getting the Keys to no.10, dashed of to India to celebrate the fact with Modhi.


// immediately after getting the Keys to no.10, dashed of(f) to India to celebrate the fact with Modhi. //

He went to the G20 summit representing the UK as one of the leading economies in the world. The G20 invitation had long been on the schedule and whoever the Conservatives had appointed as their leader (regardless of their religion), would have gone to India for that meeting.

I don't dislike him because he's an Indian. Here's one I adore;


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