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The Right To Bear Arms

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douglas9401 | 21:06 Sun 15th Sep 2024 | News
27 Answers

But absolutely no requirement to be proficient.



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swann ? -  can you add foo-danga to the unknown word list ?

Cockernee slang - that wd be mockernee cockernee ?

what one lernz on AB ! foo!

Swan was an Ozzie beer brand - google sez production ended in 2003.

Suggestion that it was a supporter of Ukraine. That would make sense, what with Trump not getting behind the invaded country but instead prioritising peace; implying at whatever cost. If Trump expects Ukraine to roll over wrt their invaded lands in the hope of stopping further hostilities then many would want to remove him from the presidential race. He may need to up his security further since he is in a nation where arming yourself to the teeth seems permitted; indeed almost welcomed.

Is it beer named after the Swan river in Perth western Australia?

I always thought it was the right to 'bare arms'. That's why so many Americans go for the 'James Dean' T-shirt look. 

Take a step back and look at yourselves, what sort of person wishes someone dead (Apart from Hitler/Putin etc).?

No evidence so far - that anyone wanted anyone else dead. Like cat eating Haitians it cd all be hype

'No one can rig an assassination attempt like me. No one. I'm the top assassination rigger.'



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