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Rayner Personal Photograper

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davebro3 | 07:18 Mon 23rd Sep 2024 | News
16 Answers

I see reports that the GOAS is hiring a personal photographer costing £68,000 pa. of public money.

Is this a good use of public funds? Only a drop in the "alleged" black hole but it sure won't help.

Do we want to see better picures of her - or any pictures at all!



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Why are they using someone from GOA?

Boris Johnson had a team of vanity photographers following him around during his premiership – I don’t recall any ABers complaining about the cost to taxpayers of this.

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It's a given for PMs - SKS has this also. Never before for a deputy PM.

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Hubris is what it is:

Hubris, describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence and complacency, often in combination with arrogance.

I think the main point is that Labour claim there is a need to cut spending , at the same time creating a new post which costs £68,000 a year paid from the public purse.

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no matter - it's only 200 or 300 WFAs

Perhaps she is planning a tour of council houses.

As BHG states, its not so much the money but the timing amongst other things.

Some pigs are more equal it seems.

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I'm picturing 300 shivering pensioners gazing loving at glossy photos of the GOAS🤣

Small beer compared with the PPI expense - and that was for something which didn't even work.  

Not to mention the Tory £5bn bribe to the DUP - more taxpayers' money misused. 

And then dear Liz went and crashed the economy.

No wonder the Tory voters fled in their droves, to bring in the equally useless Starmer.

So now the apologists from Labour have runout of excuses and resort to claiming the Tories did it. Priceless.

It's no use claimning its ok because the TINO's did it.  They were rightly bumped out on their backsides, just like this lot will be.

//And then dear Liz went and crashed the economy.//

That, as I am sure you know, is not quite the truth.

Canary and hymie are both following that line. On Any Questions a Labour person when asked about designer glasses and suits, designer dresses for Mrs starmer and the Lord Alli open access to number 10, he diverted the topic to Downing Street parties in lockdown.


David Bailey nor Patrick Anson could erase the stain of her character.  Complete wase of money

Photoshops pretty good these days Barry, just look at what it does to some of the old sacks we see in the papaers - their "facebook" picure vs the raw on the steps of Court photo.  Bear no respblance.

Mind you even photoshop cant change the character as you say.

Expert in photoshop and photo editing req then

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