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Middle East War

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davebro3 | 20:59 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | News
9 Answers

Surely Israel & it's Western allies must take on Iran and end the despicable regime of the Ayatollas? Half Iran's population (the women) live under extreme suppression enforced by sadistic religious zealots. Once Iran is liberated and stops supporting its satellite terrorist groups there will be a better chance of peace in the Middle East.




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Yes, Netenyahu was appealing directly to the the "proud Persians" the other day. It would be great if they could get their country back from the mad Mullahs.

Once Iran is liberated - -- - -  er liberated in the Gaza sense?

America thought that once ( R4 this am) and they now think the invasion of Iraq ( god knows which one) was an unmitigated disaster.

America will not allow good American doughboys to die in the  middle east

 It would be great if they could get their country back from the mad Mullahs.

o god lets settle the chaos in Venezuela, colombia and Ecuador this  evening as well

A serious escalation.  I can't see how Israel has any other option but to take on Iran - and the US is already involved.  

If the west went to war against Iran they'd probably need to occupy it for 20 years to ensure the roots of democracy had taken a strong hold.

That worked so well in Afghanistan, didn't it?

It isn't going to suddenly stop.

Iran supports the proxy terrorist groups in neighbouring states but has few state allies. Internally and abroad there are many Iranians opposed to its religious regime who would welcome the overthrow of the ayatollahs.

how exactly do you imagine the west "taking on" iran? 


- self sufficient in food and industry

- population of 90 million

- bigger than france, uk, and germany combined

- surrounded by mountains 

what exactly would be the plan after getting rid of the present regime then? military dictatorship? let it fall apart into warring factions like iraq? try to impose democracy by force?

what about ukraine while we are going at it with iran? how do you think doing both wars at the same time will go for us?

nobody who wants war with iran has thought any of this through. it's 2003 all over again... you have learned nothing.

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