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It Feels Like I Am Dying

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qwg76 | 11:19 Sat 05th Oct 2024 | Family & Relationships
9 Answers

On 3rd Dec 23, he got married.

I witnessed that painful moment when he was putting garland in the brides neck. I also witnessed their photoshoot.

It was really really painful.

I was wishing I was dead.

Today marks the 10th month, 1 day, 17 hours and 26 minutes



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I bet it was painful for the bride, having garlands stuck in her neck.

Time to move on and stop wallowing.

Scene from Love Actually??

Just found some background on other threads like this.

Looks like she lost him due to his arranged marriage and because of caste differences.

If this is for real then I sympathise. Clearly those dismissing it have never had their heart broken, lucky them.

Time will heal as will a new love.

I think Prudie is right in her assessment.

Sorry, I meant newmodarmy.  Presumably all the people involved are Indian and this does appear to be an arranged marriage.

I knew a friend once who had to choose between someone he was dating and cared for, and another potential life partner picked out by his parents. In that sort of situation someone is bound to get hurt. The point being that you are not alone, as many have gone down this path.


Time is a great healer in that respect. What seems overwhelming at one point in life fades to become the memory of a past unfortunate period, as acceptance increases and you realise that life was fine before you were involved, and will prove equally fine in the future too.


Life is full of ups & downs; it's very essence is change. Find other things to occupy your mind/interest/concentration. Let the periods of, "what might have been", thought not hang on for ages, as that encourages your mind to bring the subject up even more often. Grieve momentarily then acknowledge the thought and turn to something more immediate to your present. The less time you stay in a state of feeling sorry, the better you will feel overall, and the quicker things should move on.


Good luck with it.

What  kind and thoughtful reply OG - I cant add anything to that.

Yes it is Rosie.  I shall be watching for an acknowledgement from the OP hoping she is in a position to make one. 

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