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King Says A Republic Is Up To Australian People

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naomi24 | 13:26 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
8 Answers

//King Charles has confirmed that it is up to the Australian people to decide whether the country remains a constitutional monarchy or becomes a republic.


Ahead of the King's visit to Australia next week, the Australian Republic Movement exchanged letters with Buckingham Palace officials, writing on the King's behalf.


A referendum on the issue was held in Australia in 1999, where people voted to remain a constitutional monarchy.//


The quest rumbles on.  Should they stay or should they go?



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Charles attitude is quite right.

I don't think it's a should/shouldn't issue. It a subjective decision as to whether one wants to keep the tradition or separate from an old friend. And a lot would depend on whatever the Australian parliament intended to change as a result. One doesn't want to regret a decision after it's made. (Just compare with our recent General Election.)

The King is correct if they choose to have a referendum on it, then the vote should be respected. Unlike The Brexit vote here. 55% wanted to remain a monarchy 25 years ago, 25 years is considered a generation so I think another referendum now would not be unreasonable.

Can we vote on it in (for) the UK?

What could possibly go wrong with a referendum? 🤣

Good luck to them on that.I hope that they are not intending to sue the British government for £800 billion like a lot of the ***-h*le countries of the Commonwealth are planning to do as"reparations"for the slave trade?

From past experience Doug, very little, except the minorities willingness to accept the result. But that might be a cultural deficiency.

I'm sure it'll all go smoothly as all the pertinent facts will be laid out before voters with no ifs or buts open to interpretation.

Of course the added bonus for Australians is that a man with a gold hat has said it's okay to go ahead and he's shown in the past that he's an absolute straight arrow.

I agree with O_G.

It seems that there is another option that they could choose their own monarch.  So they could choose Harry (although no idea why they would).  In time honoured tradition we get to ship those we do not want over there.

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