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Enigmatic Variations N0 1665 - Untitled By Luxor

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Matakari | 07:20 Mon 21st Oct 2024 | Crosswords
39 Answers

Good morning, this one looks interesting, no missing letters and I’ve got a few, but need some help with the following to get me going faster. Many thanks in advance!

2 Scottish element of property rental platform losing two billion ( 4 )
18 Couple from south in hotel in Italy – one renowned for great escapes ( 7 )
20 Fools chasing devil in irresolvable situations ( 8 )
22 Having similar forms of depression from social mixing holding nothing back ( 9 )
30 Trashy boxing simulation set up giving out-of-hand predictions? ( 9 )
36 Keen artist cross with king ( 5 )

( PREAMBLE: The puzzle is temporarily UNTITLED because the letters of the title are missing. All clues are given in alphabetical order of their answers, which must be entered into the grid where they will fit. Solvers must enter a single letter from each column into the barred-off cell at the top, revealing the title across the row. Chambers Dictionary ( 2016 ) is recommended. )





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Am b o

Maybe you're overthinking these matakari

The patriarch one is simply ISA and Ac.....Isaac

Matakari., 'do the trick'! I feel you have given up!  If you'd slotted in the 8 and 9 answers, you'd have been able to enter around 15- 20 of the other solutions, many of which you had by then. You're missing out on all the fun.

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Thanks, NACW, but I'm not about to give up on this one! I'm keen to see how the answers work here, and also get some of the fun in correctly slotting them into the grid.

Thanks, Matakari.Didn't the earlier instruction- on how and where to start - help? I thought you would have a go at that, but along came another big batch! 

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Yes, the eight and nine-letter words supply useful beginning and ending letters of some answers, but it’s not as easy as I thought. Given a few more of these answers should see me through, thanks!

Matakari, the intersecting 8 and 9 letter answers help with almost 20 entries, so I'm surprised you are finding that 'not easy'. Your last batch ...

8 Basho

14 Former

33 Phasis

34 Pilea

37 Rhos

50 Vibram


Question Author

The grid is almost filled now with three slots empty and five unanswered clues which I’ve been pondering over. The empty slots ( 2 Fours and 1 Five):


19 Moon framing island race ( 4 )
44 Act with violence right after drink ( 4 )
47 Cast heard informally from beginning to end ( 4 )
49 Pitch surfaces of two streets ( 4 )

46 Shell and taste nuts ( 5 )



47 Cast informally - Thru, from beginning to end (and sounds like 'threw', cast)

49  Toss 

19 Igbo - IO, moon, with GB inside

46 Testa, shell - 'nuts' indicates an anagram, I thought you'd get that one immediately!

44 Tear, act violently. Tea, drink+R, right.

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Good morning, this has been a great lesson! I thought I had it solved now, but I’m in a quandary with the left bottom half of the grid where I’m finding it difficult to fit TOSS,TESTA…
I have HAT, TOSA, LETS, TESLA. I probably need to redo my grid?
As far as the single-letter entries bit is concerned, I’m already looking steadily at each column hoping the answer will jump at me!

Matakari, glad it's been a great lesson, but I do hope it helps you moving forward! I don't think there's a Tesla, I expect that should be Tells(Directs tense ... clue). 

Toss starts with the T of "hat" in the bottom row!

(there is not a tosa, from memory)


Thanks, JJ. I gave Matakari Toss earlier, I should have pointed out his later misprint or mistake! 

two streets

Pitch, toss.

I'm sure tosa was just a typo

Yes,NMA - but Tesla was in Matakari's list and that didn't exist in the puzzle, so even more confusion!

Matakari, are you all sorted now? 

Question Author

Many thanks, Nacw, jj109, newmodarmy, just back home from a little sunny outing down here in the South of France! I got thrown off the full grid owing to the typo TESTA. Having a crack at the single-letter entries now.

Thanks, Matakari - glad you sorted out your slight muddle at the end, and very glad we were able to talk you virtually all the way through this one!

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