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Indoor Spider Problem.

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cleoval | 23:01 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Interiors
24 Answers

Hi a beautiful silver spider has just dangled infront of me while i was on the computer.  i was a little scared but do not want to kill it.  when i looked up it is now on the ceiling and there are 2 of them.What should i do.? TIA.



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yeah spiders in the bed - - makes  my flesh, crawl

TTT, I've lived with dogs most of my life, never been bitten. Doesn't mean it never happens to other people.

Spider bites can get very nasty, even in the UK

// it's uncommon for people in the UK to get bitten by spiders in their house. However, some spiders can cause health issues, so it's important to be aware of the symptoms of a spider bite and seek medical attention if needed \\


In the whole of my life I think I've only been bitten twice by a spider. Each time when I was gently transferring it outside as the young lady I was with didn't much like them.


Didn't cause any problems. They must have a very small mouth.

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