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My Poor Almost 16 Year Old Cat Has Heart Congestion..

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Patsy33 | 21:56 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | Animals & Nature
45 Answers

He's on 2 lots of tablets. 2 a day for helping to rid fluid from his lungs an 1 to help prevent blood clots. He's not too bad with water tablets, which I crush uo but the other for prevention of blood clots, I'm not very successful. He seems to know when I try yo hide this one in his food. I do crush both up. Another thing, he's not eating so much. Any tips please on how to get him to take his much needed medication? Thank you.



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Patsy, ((hugs))

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Thanks albs x

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Lost my precious boy ( cat) last night, 11.30pm. Heart broken..

Dear Patsy - I know just how you and family must feel at this sad time - been there - and it's hard. Remember the fun times you had with him. 😊x

I'm sorry Patsy, its hard when they pass over the Rainbow Bridge, its like losing a family member.

Oh, I'm so sorry Patsy. Please keep all the good memories of him close to your heart in the knowledge that you gave him the absolutely best life possible. 🌈 ((((HUGS to you))))

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Thank you all. Means a lot. Xx

Sorry to hear.

I'm sorry to hear that your boy has died.  

They are the most annoying little monsters but are full of love towards their humans. 

Oh Patsy, I am so very sorry.  I was reading the first page and trying to think of ideas to help (as the present slave to two princesses and in the past to several feline overlords/ladies) and when I read that I did well up.  For a little furry beast, they don't half leave a gaping big hole in your heart and your home.  I'm sending you cyber hugs and best wishes.

So very sorry for your loss. We always want to hug them one more time. Xx

Also very sorry to hear this, you must be heartbroken. We have all been there, it's so painful. Have a good cry whenever you need, anyone reading this will send you cyber hugs and sympathies.

So very sorry to this Patsy. I, like most of us on here, know exactly how you feel. 💔

Aw, Patsy. I am so sorry to hear that you have lost your little friend. My heart goes out to you. 



So sad to hear your news: think I know where you are at the moment and it's so hard....

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I know many of you have lost pets. This is a  new experience for me/ us. I'm trying to keep it together but not possible. What's making it worse,  my husband keeps breaking down, this is someone who didn't want a cat or any pet.  Thanks once again one & all. xx

When my last three dogs died, I asked for the ashes to be given to me.

We chose a spot in the garden for a particular dog and scattered and dug in the ashes. I had little plaques made for each one and it always makes me smile when I see the name and the message that we had put on the plaques. I find it a source of comfort and peace in knowing they're not too far away from my heart.

Sorry to hear about your loss. The little critters always get to you.

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I have a similar plan Tilly. I am going to put ashes (urn) in a biggish plant pot and get a little plaque with his name on with some nice flowers & ornaments etc. I will put it in one of his favourite spots in back garden. I'm glad it's given you comfort Tilly and brought a smile to your face. That's what I'm hoping. 

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