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American Airlines

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lb24 | 14:09 Fri 19th Jan 2007 | Travel
5 Answers
Has anyone flown to the US with American Airlines? Do they have TVs in the back of seats and as much leg room as companies like Virgin and British Airways?


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flew to Chicago with AA in 2004, at the time their 777s had seatback screens, so probably still do.

flew to Seattle with BA last year and the legroom on that flight was definitely inferior to the AA flight 2 years previously.
it really depends on what plane you are flying on,most of their new ones have them,but some of the older ones dont
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It looks like it's a 777. So there's not much difference really between companies?
Leg room is generally slightly better with American compared to British Airways. Check out for comparative details. For example, most AA aircraft in use for Tranatlantic flights are listed as having 31-32 inches legroom and 18.2 inches width, compared to 31/17.5 for BA.
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Interesting website, thanks!

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