Ok, heres the dilema. Met a guy last week at a club, he was the DJ. Spoke for a bit and found him hugely attractive. Anyway, I thought I would send him an email to tell him how sexy he was and how much I liked his music. He replied, saying that I was attractive too but he didnt know how his girlfriend would feel about him getting funky with another girl with the same name as his GF. He then said it was a shame.. I didnt know he had a GF, especially with the same name as me. I then replied saying " at least you wouldnt get the names muddled up" it was a joke. I then said C ya, as if to say that I wouldnt bother him again, since he had a GF. He replied to me today (valentines day) saying "you did cheers me up though!" Should I reply. This guy is so sexy, I want to flirt with him, he does have a GF. I know that is wrong! I also dont want to seem like a stalker or desperate. Please help before I do something silly, but may be worth it because its giving me good feelings. xx He also stays miles away from me so there is no danger of us meeting in the near future. I just want to flirt with him. What do you think?
Don't go there sweetie. Take it from someone who spent 2 years as the other woman, you'll only get hurt and frustrated. He was probably only being polite replying to you today anyway. There's plenty of single men out there so my advice is to let it go!
If the tables were turned would you want some other girl trying to lure your guy away? Think about it from her perspective.
You've already said you know it's wrong so do the right thing.