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Kill me. Kill me now.

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Champagne | 12:16 Wed 11th Apr 2007 | Body & Soul
35 Answers
I went out to dinner with my ex-boyfriend last night and admitted that I'm still in love with him.... 4 MONTHS after we broke up!

Do you think I should be put out of my misery? Shot like a lame horse?


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did he even use protection with this other girl ?? mabye putting you at risk\
forget about it move on , you will never be able to get over the trust issues again
i should know !
also not sure why you think he adores u champ!!! surely if he did he never would have even looked at another woman - cheating is not the action of someone deeply in love or who adores someone . i hope you find someone better mate x
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I don't agree. I cheated on a boyfriend in the past. I did it once and knew it was the wrong thing to do and vowed never to do something like that again.

I just don't think you can be so black & white about love. And I know that I would move on always thinking 'what if'. I'm not the sort of person who will dive straight into a new relationship so I can bide my time and sit back and see how things progress.

If they don't progress, then he doesn't win me back. Simple.

Now where's me gun...
sounds like u made up your mind i would not go back with someone that cheated u dont explain if it was a one stand or a few months or watever mabye this would give us a clearer picture
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What do you want to know Red?

He cheated on me with a bit of skirt that he knew through a longterm friend of his. He then started dating her and was with her for about 3 months. Even after a short while I knew that they were never going to last. He's definitely one of those people that can't stand being on their own. He always has to have somebody in the picture, which I think is something has done from an early age... not unlike a lot of people really. He's been into drugs from an early age too and only now realised how much of a problem it is and that he probably needs to grow up at some point!
i dunno champ , mate its got to be your call at the end of the day , you are right its very easy to be black and white when you are not in the situation , let me know how it goes , have u heared from him today ? x
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Yes I have. I heard from him first thing this morning and then he followed up with a text asking if he could take me out again soon. He knows he's treading on eggshells right now. I haven't indicated that I will take him back at all. It's all down to whether or not I am convinced he is capable of making these positive changes that he supposedly wants to do.

One thing he can't do is pull the wool over my eyes. I tend to know when he's lying, and even if I suspected that he wasn't going to be faithful would be enough reason for me not to entertain him.
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p.s. Thanks for your concern Red. x
Regardless of how many problems he has, that gives him no rights to cheat on you. He cheated once, most likely he might do it again if you take him back.
Why would you want to be with a drug addict who has cheated on you? Are you on drugs also?
no probs champ i hope it works out for u mate xxxx we all deserve to be happy
Hope it works out for you whatever you decide but just reading that he was with another person for 3 months made me think the worst. Not like is was a drunken one night stand. It is black and white to me because I've been there and done it and trust me a leopard never changes it's spots, in my experience they just get more spots. I know you'll go into things with your eyes open due to whats happened, but just ask yourself if that's the basis you want to build a relationship on, walking on eggshells, not believing what they say etc etc. Let us know how you get on and I hope it works out whatever you decide.
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Deep deep down I think that the person he is now is the person he will always be in which case we will never get back together. I guess I'm just holding onto this romantic inclination that he will become the man who promised to make all my dreams come true. Mainly because I haven't gotten over him yet. But I will get over him in time.

In the meantime, I have agreed to be friends and have firmly kept my distance so he is under no illusions that he can win me back at the click of his fingers. It would take a miracle!

Realistically, I don't think it'll happen.
Champ, think you've done the right thing, corny as it sounds time is the best healer. The first couple of months are the hardest but then u'll meet other people and move on. Personally I'd do what you have done so far agree to be mates but then just let things slowly fizzle out because some people are best totally being out of your life. Take care.
Hey again Champers,
I'm not stalking you honest!

From your other threads today I assumed that you were still in love with J fp's.....

Do not let him spoil your holiday, best if you buy a pay as you go sim card there just to give number to family and close friends.
I don't want to hear that you where spending too much time checking your phone, or texting.
He will be feeling very insecure at the moment, his babe of a girl friend has gone away with mates, and she is sure to find someone better than him!!! Let him sweat.

It's only for a week, whereas he has had 4 months to sort things out.
Enjoy every moment of you hol, as the reality is, you may return to the 'spineless retard' you left behind....

I've heard the diving instructors in Egypt (Eilat) are real cute!
You sure I can't come with you?
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Thanks Miss. I haven't put my life on hold for him so don't panic. I've decided to leave him way behind and that I don't want him as anything more than a friend. I'm not going to allow him to toy with my emotions. I'm bigger, stronger and nicer than him and I deserve better.

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