I would never leave my children unattended whatsoever either in my own country , or indeed in a foreign country and if we dine , we all dine together , as a family but I am not perfect because I am inherently human and sometimes I make mistakes. You are not given a handbook on how to be the perfect parent in the delivery suite in the hospital and you have to learn as you go. Most of this learning is based on our own experiences of family life and how we raise our children is often reflective of this. One thing we know though is that life is a learning curve and we learn from our mistakes. The McCanns made a mistake - one which has cost them greatly as they have paid the ultimate price , the mysterious disappearance of their daughter. They are undoubtedly suffering enough , so I fail to see how seeking to vilify them is deemed to be justified by a sector of the public baying for blood. Not concerned with watching the anguish of that poor little girl's parents or the pain etched on her mother's face , they continue to bleat about how she didn't look sad enough , how she had time to go to church and wasn't out searching every nook and cranny and even speculating about whether or not they may have been personally involved in her disappearance.