kromo Sorry, but I disagree with a referendum on decisions such as the EEC / EU.
The trouble is that (again) people do not understand the full complexities of the argument. If a vote was held today about joining the Euro, the majority of the populace would not understand the benefits or the down sides. The majority of people will either only think about changing currency when going on holiday or similar. How many people would consider how it would effect industry and the country's future?
Unfortunately, it would also make Murdoch even more powerful. After all in any referendum, most people's opinions would be swayed by the media. Remember the Sun's campaign against Kinnock (last one out please turn off the lights). Although amusing it has a major influence.
The tabloid media are (imho) too powerful now and I would dread to think of the state of this country if they were to gain even more influence.
Romeo Sorry, but I don't feel that is possible either. Again, I don't feel that a great deal of the population have the intellect to fully understand the law.
Have a look at this bill which may go through in the next year or two: 506/cmbills/002/06002.i-v.html
If you ever borrow money or use a credit card then this directly effects you. Do you have the time to go thorough this? Do you have an opinion on this?
In case of a referendum, how would you vote on this bill?