Everytime I go to read my answers someone has got rid of my question!!! Please, I f I don't mention the O word can someone describe it to me, this is not explicit!!!!
yes its round and orange, probably why it is named that way. You can peel the skin and eat it whole or in segments and the skin is good for drying out and burning on log fires to give the room a lovely smell
Give up matey, sign up with a new non-Russian-related name, the AB Police are gunning for you and righteous and enraged fingers are twitching on Report buttons right now.
Can't you see that people aren't taking you seriously.
Grow up!! And post something worth answering, with the pictures that you have been posting of yourself, i find it difficult to believe that you don't know what one of these are!
if we were this one would go too whiffey. I did say best not too as school holidays. Same i've reported other dirty posts like the how deep is one the other day.