It's our 10th anniversary next week, happyjo, and I'm Jo too....spooky! We've generally been happy - having a baby was the only time I'd say I felt unhappy. Not with the little man, of course, but with mr nutgone. It took him a lot longer to adjust to our new, upside down, lives - kept going to Saturday AND Sunday football, never got up in the night etc. I imagine that it's at that point a lot of people would give up if they hadn't made that commitment to each other. I laid down the law a bit and told him to pull his socks up. I knocked him into shape! He has since grown into the most fantastic dad, and the boys' friends LOVE coming round here when he's around - it's a proper boys' house.
Divorce is a dirty word here - marriage actually means something to me, so I won't knock it. The best things are worth putting in a bit of effort for, in my opinion...!