And to answer your other statement CD about it not being my problem. Well here's some news for you. IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM!!!!!
I wear a French letter with strangers on the occassions I do actually fancy some old tart and a fumble on the first date.
I do not inject drugs.
I am with BUPA, who I am fairly confident will check their blood for nasties before they put it in to me.
I have no intention of sleeping with African peasants.
I have no intention of becomming a gaylord. However, if David Bowie asked nicely, I may, just may, give him a hand job. But even he will not be allowed to enter me.
AIDS, I am afraid is no issue of mine. I remember the old advert AIDS, don't die of ignorance. Well I am afraid if you take precautions, AIDS should be wiped out. It is thye disease of the stupid.