Why do people feel the need to make aliases to slag someone off? I have never understood it at all. I dont know why anyone who has something to say to someone wouldnt do it in their own name. If I were wanting to say something to someone I would do it in my own name so the person I was saying it to knew for a fact it was me saying it and didnt have to sit there playing some silly guessing game as to whether it actually me or not.
~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~ more ~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~ more ~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~ i`m a lady in solihull, west mids, love red things, love my man and my pussies, have no kids, hoorah apart from a step son who i adore, i love boats, cars, bikes, more cars ~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~ love dogs and fishing with my 3 sons~~~~~~~ waves of insaneness ~~~~~~~
but I dont know for a fact legend. I do believe you when you say thats where you are but as theres only you thats told me that then like I said before you could be on the moon for all I know.
I think it is because maybe one day they may genuinely want to ask a question and need help, other days they just want to argue /debate whatever.
I actually have a male and female username as I have noticed responses to questions are different with each one. People seem to take the men more seriously, the women don't bitch when replying and the men give you better answers, perhaps ones you can understand since you're a bloke.
jedimistress even with your explanation its still a weird thing to do.
back to you again legend. Do you never stop? After our spat the other night I decided to ignore you in the hope you would go away and leave me alone. This didnt work. I got emails from folks on here with links to threads where you were still sniping at me even though I wasnt online at the time.
I then decided yesterday to forget all the accusations and name calling you had thrown at me and just chat to you as I do to other folks. I thought this may stop the crap you throw and maybe keep the site spat free (well between me and you anyway) I answered a proper question by you with a proper answer. I didnt ignore you in threads where you spoke to me directly and for a while it seemed to work. Then you had to revert back to pratically accusing me of being a liar again.
Why are you being so cryptic saying someone or a third party must have told me where you are? I assume you mean your ex girlfriend by this third party? If so then here goes. Yes I know her, yes I have met her so I know shes a real person and not a figment of your imagination, yes I talk to her but I can not remember a single time when we have talked about any aspect of your personal life. If she has mentioned where you are and thats a big if, it must have been a passing comment that was of so little significance I forgot all about it. If that is the case then me forgetting something does not make me a liar.
Dont you think that if I did remember someone (anyone) confirming where you are that I would have said so and put a stop to all your stupid 'yes you do know' posts? Grow up legend for gawds sake :rollseyes: