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I got one of those presents.........

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funnygirl | 23:19 Tue 25th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
I opened up an envelope from my friend, a nice biggish one,
one to find that I have donated something to someone in bl**dy Africa!!!!!!!!
Whilst, I went out on a limb for her present!!
I just pasted a smile on my face, but out of earshot, I was mouthing off!!!!!!


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ah funny i think htat is a lovely present mate !!! xx
then make that her next birthday gift! revenge will taste sweeter if you big it up as well "oh Ive got you a really great gift, you will love it!"
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Cazzzzz, I never thought of that!!
You beauty!!!!
Thanks for the tip.
b!tch is my middle name ;P
hya fg I am just about to fall over do you want to see the video.
I understand what you mean Funnygirl but the way I see it is - you were given a gift of giving a gift. Hope this make sense ;-)

Did you ever express concern to her about the poverty and hardship most Africans are facing? She probably thought it was something that you would appreciate.

Sorry you were disappointed and you pressie turned out to be not your likings.
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I guess, I am showing off a little here!!
But seriously, I have never spoken to her about Africa.
Even when they were doing live aid, I said it was a waste of time as the money will never reach them!!

Guess it the though that counts.
I can understand both perspectives figure, I knew someone once who told me during a coffee break that she had bought her friend a donation gift "just to p!ss her off"
she thought it was hilarious and she said it didnt cost her much either.

I have admiration for people who are genuine but there are also people who take the p, and because its a good cause no one is allowed to dislike it or complain because they are viewed as selfish and mean.

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I got one of those presents.........

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