You've got it, when she gets back from her day centre.
You've described it exactly, I had counselling, a waste of time, but thats not to say it all is.
I hope you don't mind me saying this, once you've had it, it does come back from time to time, but having hadit, you recognise it, and can take steps to conquer, or supress it.
I am not medically trained, but having had it, I believe the only way to get over it, is your own efforts, and that has to be mentally Herculean.
What helped me, was Fish Oil capsules with Omega3, pure and simple, helps keep it in check.
As things stand, people tend to think your feeling sorry for yourself, even family who know you best.
I really do feel for you, and as someone who's been there, and contantly fighting it, as with Ray, if you want to get in touch via the pm's, please do, but if not, don't worry, I won't be offended.