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ah lacey

are we to believe youre H?

according to desperate dan and the others you are.


if yu are.

we will meet soon. : -)
Sorry to disappoint legend006, I have no idea to whom you are referring. Maybe you are getting me mixed up with one of your many many files. My suggestion would be to put them in alphabetical order.
see you in a few weeks eh ?

and i will discusss btw .

this time
You are either deluded or drunk. But hey it probably means the same thing to you. Why would I travel from New York to meet you? As I said deluded.

i will see you sooon

continue your pretence

Paranoia is something to worry about Leg.

Also all this "He said, she said" cr&p. WTF.

Put the keyboard down, and step away. You're addiction to this place is starting to cloud your judgement. Reality and the internet are becoming one to you.
not at all dean
ive firm roots in reality

unlike you and others on here posting stuff
about laceyg for 1

and you really are amusing now.
wheres marvelman gone btw ?

What have i posted about that user? I've no idea who they are, so why would i post about them?
whatever dean

i could care less

ill speak to her in person

as for you

youre great


what a big man

my hero

im so jealous

happy now ?


bye then.

dont post to me im no longer interested

Hmm, sound like alot of people perhaps need to get out more.
I love the fact you leave whenever i'm having a coherent conversation with you. No malice from me, just observations.

yes theres a reliance on the internet to replace people

its evident in many members

i believe they organise sex with their partners by email


dean you wandered from reasonable conversation months ago

sleep well
Question Author
this has been an interesting read back
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This is the thread Legend is trying to hide

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