A blunt reminder to all those that are prepared to embrace Islam.
These vile crimes committed under the title of "Honour Killings", are not only common to Middle East countries, there have been a number of similar crimes committed in this country.
Keyplus It is not in Turkey What on earth are you talking about? The links given by both Gromit and myself would rather confirm the opposite. It appears that you're the one who's confused. As for your final remark, if that's the best you can do, then it's better ignored.
Thank you Quinlad. Perhaps, to make it clearer, I should have said 'if that's the best you can do, then it doesn't warrant a thoughtful response.' I'm sure he'll get my drift though.
this does seem to happen among Muslims - even in Turkey, which is a secular country (most of its population are Muslim but the country itself is not). Nonetheless, it looks, as keyplus says, as if this is cultural rather than religious - it takes place among Muslim societies, but not for religious reasons and not because it's in the Koran, which as far as I know it isn't.
Accordingly, embracing Islam will not make you kill your daughters.