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Islamic law on rape?

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R1Geezer | 15:30 Thu 01st May 2008 | News
84 Answers
Why is the woman stoned or whatever for being raped? I would have though a little sympathy would be more in order!


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Out of all these things how many did happen to you and in which country? However all the things I said and which never existed acording to your birdie knowledge have of course existed and still are going on in a good number of societies. Only you do not have the knowledge. Because your knowledge is Daily Mail knowledge. I have no response to that. As a last resort, you must let these people how big mistake they have made. You may still be able to change few away from this bad religion (according to you). And on this topic now it is good bye from me as you are nothing but a waste of time and going round and round in circles, and that exactly what happens to people who think they are too clever. onverts_to_Islam
There you go these are real people and real women. Ask them why they are going towards a religion that treats women so badly. They might be mad and have lost their senses. Have they, let me know? Or cook another daily mail story s o-women-convert-to-islam/ hy_converting.htm
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Islamic law on rape?

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