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Nat13 | 22:52 Sun 05th Dec 2004 | Body & Soul
11 Answers
I need some help, i have had suspicions that i may have diabetes, but i spoke to my bf, and he assured me i wouldn't have. i left it for a while, but then my mother, said that i should go and have a blood test to rule it out. Well i don't really like needles to much, (i have a phobia from them) and not sure wether to go. I have been reading about the symptons of diabets, and i do have some of them like, constantley thirsty, always needing the toilet (*******), loosing weight and always tired. The only one i haven't is vommiting. Please could you help


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They can do a blood sugar level test with a pin prick of blood. I would see your doctor as soon as possible: if you have it then you can start dealing with it (it is a very managable and very common disease) if you don't then they can look into the true cause of your symptoms. BTW, vomiting is unusual, the rest are classic diabetes symptoms.

Please go and see your doctor and get this checked out as soon as possible..

A doctor is the only person able to diagnose this type of problem properly, and s/he would be able to rule out any other reasons for your symptoms....

The long term effects of uncontrolled diabetes (if this is the problem) are not nice, so it would be better to get it sorted now.

Good luck

Testing for Diabetes is pretty straightforward initially, all your Dr needs to do is to dipstick test your urine & see if there's sugar in it.
Ask yourself this: are you more afraid of needles than you are of eventually going into a diabetic coma? The effects of untreated diabetes can be very severeand even fatal. Addressing the issue as soon as possible and as thoroughly as possible can let you live a normal and healthy life.
Please take care of yourself, I guarantee you that things aren't as scary as they seem at first.
Is your bf a doctor? If not, then i wouldn't go by his advice
I am not a doctor, but I am diabetic, and I am pretty sure that you are too. See your doctor URGENTLY. The initial test is as PurplePixie says, and may not even involve a needle. Whoever told you that vomiting is a system is about as qualified as your boyfriend to diagnose your symptoms.
For all medical questions, we strongly advise you to seek professional advice from your doctor or a healthcare professional.  Please do not rely on, or wait for, advice from Answerbank users.
I have had a similar experience, and thought i had all the common symptoms! I did the test - it was just a small pin prick to take a small amount of blood - honestly, it doesnt hurt! turned out negative!! as i have since adjusted my diet, and cut back on various foods, the so-called 'symptoms' have gone. dont worry about it - you should definitely go for the test - and if it's negative - great! that'd be one nagging thing off your mind. If it's positive - then at least you know, and can deal with the problem, instead of leaving it and always wondering and then having to deal with something much worse further down the line. Go to your doctor!! good luck.
Some chemists do a pin-prick test for diabetes without an appointment - you may want to see if your local chemist does this (my local Lloyds Pharmacy does)... given that sometimes it takes a while to get an appointment to see a doctor. I would still go to the doctor's as well though - my own symptoms weren't diabetes but turned out to be thyroid-related. If you are negative for diabetes your doctor will do other tests to find out the problem.
Have you been for a test yet?  Doesn't hurt!  i do it five times a day, and if the doctor does it, it is a fresh sharp (needle) and you honestly cannot feel it.  Way, way better than the alternative!

Dear Nat,

I hope you have followed the advice given here to contact a doctor for a diagnostic test (note that neither the finger-prick tests nor a urine test are diagnostic, only a blood test will do for this).

You may also like to have a chat with one of our Careline Advisors (0845 120 2960) - or have a look at our website:

Best wishes,
Jo Brodie, Science Information Team, Diabetes UK.

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