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Am I wrong to hate BB ?

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BRAVO1 | 14:16 Wed 18th Jun 2008 | Film, Media & TV
24 Answers
I feel like the only one, but I really do hate Bigbrother.

Ok, I know I can vote on my feet, or with my finger as this is the way I change channel's on the remote, but I really don't get it.

A house full of retards and misfits from society, surely there's more to life ?.

Next time you get your TV licence reminder, just think about the level of entertainment you actually get from the major 5 channels.



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BRAVO, I think you are very right to hate BB, I have never watched it never will watch it have no intention of ever watching a load of imbeciles having there 5 minutes of fame, why would anybody want to watch such crap? totally beyond me.
I can't stand it either - it is beyond awful. Perhaps it's a sign of my age! The TV licence fee only pays for programs on BBC, the other channels have advertising to pay for their tripe.
I agree with Raggy Roman.

I have only ever watched half an episode of BB, couldn't see what all the fuss was about and have never watched BB since.

I will join a club to terminate BB!!
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Well I think the consensus is thats it's not wrong to hate BB.

Thank's for all your comments and replies.

Let's all vote with our fingers, and stick two of them up to the producers and idiots inside the BB house.

All the best to you all !!

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Am I wrong to hate BB ?

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