its so laughable. octavius they do it so people on here think they have gossip. its to get attention. I also cant believe that they are still on here after being on here until 2.30am. i mean do you people have nothing better to do? do you have home help? no one could possibly lead a normal life whilst being on a site for the majority of everyday. go and get some sleep
anyway,why dont you just call her, alternatively I could google the location of the nearest carrier pidgeon seller local to you? text me and let me know
I don't gossip about people, hun, and pasta's a friend of mine. We have far better to do than talk "shop". It was a personal message about something totally unrelated to AB.
Oh, and it's ever so cheeky of you to say - but yes, I DO have home help, which is particularly handy since I'm recovering from an op. I work from home as well. Now...can I ask the same questions of yourself?