Does anyone have any secrets as to how to get clothes (mainly things like towels and socks) really soft after washing. Nothing i try seems to work! Thanks :-)
Hello Missy , I do use a fabric softener in the machine , and I do have a tumble dryer which always makes my towels extra soft . The socks are always soft though even without the dryer. x
The use of fabric conditioner will make your towels soft. However, the one thing you don't usually use fabric conditioner on, is towels. They need to be a bit rugged to make them fit for their purpuse.
When you get out of the bath or shower, you will find it harder to towel yourself dry with a fabric conditioned towel.
Invest in a tumble drier. I always pop my towels in when they have almost dried off on the line outside. It just finishes them off & they are really fluffy.
The problem with fabric conditioner is that (like hair conditioner) it coats the fibres of the towel, preventing them from sticking together. Unfortunately this also makes the fibres waterproof, hence they don't dry too well!
I usually put my washing in the 'iron cycle' of my tumple dryer after it comes off the line. No it doesn't iron them!! - but it does soften them ready for ironing and often makes them soft enough and uncreases them there there is no need to iron.
A tumble dryer's the only way of keeping your towels soft. They smell better if dried out on the line, but if you want them to be fluffy and soft, then a td - plus using fabric conditioner in the wash, is the only way. I don't know about the very soft towels not drying you properly, but mine seem to do the trick.
I totally agree with the 'never use fabric conditioner' it does ruin them and make them less absorbant. I dry mine naturally them a quick tumble to fluff them up. Also (sorry if it's a tad obvious!) quality really does make a big difference.