NOT SURE IF THIS IS RIGHT PLACE -PUT IN BODY &SOUL TOO BUT NO LUCK..hey. I had a baby 15months ago and have not had a period since. I know if you breasfeed exclusive for 6 months it can take up to a year, however i only feed exclusive for 4 months then mixed with solids i now only feed at night before he goes to bed. Ive also been unable to gain any weight since, ive always been tiny but Irecently went down to just 6 stone 2lbs which even for my 5ft frame is too small. I did go to my doctor about 3 months ago but she tried to put it down to depression!! just wondered if anyone had any sugestions. cheers.
maybe speeking to a midwife about it may be better than a doctor. also a reason for your periods not starting could be the fact that you are underweight many people who are underweight suffer from not having periods or just having a period every now and then. just wondering if the doctor prescribed anything for depression or just sent you away again?
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non return of periods 15 months after giving birth!!!