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when last was garth brooks mentioned on AB?

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dot.hawkes | 21:41 Sat 27th Sep 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
I have used the search facility and his name is not coming up tut


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Hey Dot, that means nowt. I've just typed mrs.chappie in the Search facility. It found nothing.
Oh dear...have we been remiss dot...guess you will have to get the ball

welome back by the way.
Google it mrs.c.....................................................................
mrs.chappie site/ that is it...did it the other day,got 16,000+ for me!!!

garth brooks

i typed that in hit search and got a pageful of garth brooks stuff

youre doin it wrong

the search facility works fine gimps

d t h ??�?
Pasta, I just did that and I got 3,130 entries!

BTW, it'd be mrs.chappie
(Enter the username you want to search for, of course).
Knew it was something like that mrs.c

Did I hear 'know-it-all-Leggy"
Mrs C are you still hanging around as I have something to tell you and it will make you laugh
Leg, the search facility on here is very hit and miss. I typed in mrs.chappie and it said 'no search results found' and 'no relevant questions found'.

I've just checked my profile and it tells me I have given 1,400 answers and asked 86 questions. Why didn't it find any of them?
Knobbs, I'm still here. Let's hear it then!


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when last was garth brooks mentioned on AB?

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