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horrible food

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zzxxee | 16:45 Thu 02nd Oct 2008 | Food & Drink
63 Answers
name your top 3 most hated foods mine are 3 barbacue sauce 2 beetroot 1 at number one fish yuck


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1. Liquorish
2. Aniseed
3. Avocado (tastes of soap!)

Apart from those I'm a confirmed foody and will eat just about anything really! lol. I'm more fussy about wierd food combinations though - can't do the gammon and pineapple thing at all. I had a friend who used to make up chicken Oxo cubes into a hot drink in a mug and dip Twix bars in it. How wrong is that???
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oxo and twix that i think is the most disgusting one yet
I agree. I also had another friend who was partial to cold brussel sprout sandwiches! I guess I just attract people with odd tastes in food!!! lol.

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