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Time to say good night......

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pastafreak | 02:42 Thu 04th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
now that things are slowing down a bit....... Nite to all including Icey and Leggy-if he is still about. xxxx


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u on the catnip ?

nite xxx
Night night punkin. xxxx

At last!! Hi there leggy! : )
hi icey

call me manana

pasty ??????

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Won't be tomorrow. Pasta can explain. As soon as, though. x
Hi, pasta. Just stumbled home to the wigwam after traipsing through the field...guess what: no snow! Anyway, g'night.
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Hi stewey......night stewey!! xx
Hi Stewey - you'll just have to walk backwards through the mud then! : )
I'm going to share pasta's thread and say goodnight as well. Didn't realise it was so late, so night night to everyone who's still around. xxx

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Time to say good night......

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