I'm making a special meal for my boyfriend tomorrow and I need some help! I plan on making roast potatoes (his favourite ever food) and Chicken wrapped in bacon stuffed with herbs, garlic and cream cheese. I think it may be a bit dry though and think I should make a sauce to go with itt - any ideas?
Sorry not needed,if it is cooked right the garlic and cream cheese will be the sauce,whats the point of making to sauces???and what mix would you have??its a bit like a chicken kiev you dont put xtra sauce with that!!!
Thanks guys - you're right puddicat - I forgot about the cheese in the middle being saucelike!
888Sally - I would like nothing more that to cook a veg sidedish - the fussy git however will not touch veg of any kind - his fussy eating is the bain of my life! I'm thinking of doing that thing where you liquidise veg into pasta sauce so he can't see them!
I know - I'm beginning to think it may never happen! (and you don't even want to get me started on his 'I won't eat cold things - food should be hot' thing!)