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making a volcano

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zzxxee | 18:23 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
my 11 year old has to maKE A VOLCANO DOES ANYONE HAVE any liknks the simpler the better


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Just put a toilet tube round the gobs of some of our users (yes, im including myself here). We blow enough hot air and steam to put mount Etna to shame. The volcanic ash might be a problem though- unless you make us smoke a ciggy at same time?
Get yourself a huuuuge plate of mash potato... a spoon... and a copy of 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind' ;-)
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no not an active one only sensible answers please
Question Author
thankyou cazz thats great keep them comeing though xx
Feed him a few tins of baked beans & make him lean over with his bum sticking in the air
Question Author
sick billy shes 11 i dont find that funny
Question Author
thanks once again cazz for your help i think we are pretty sorted now your a top bird hun xx
Suit yourself , it was the beans bit that was supposed to be funny ,should have realised the phrase 'bum in the air ' in relation to an 11 year old would have brought out the usual knee jerk reaction .
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i have got a sense of humour billy and quite a dry one a that its just i think when it comes to kids we need to be a little sensitive when choosing material for chuckle reasons
You could always cheat and buy a kit from Argos
Question Author
yep i could mrs o cazz has already given me a link for that how are you by the way??????
Fine ta, til someone in Business & Finance called me rude!! Pah!
How are you? xx
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im great how very dare they.... kick them in the goolies right this minuet
I've posted a suitable reply. Some people have no sense of humour.
Use 20gm of ammonium dichromate it makes a working volcano , go on to google for full details AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS

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making a volcano

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