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cazz 1975

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chicho,bird2 | 23:32 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
yes 25 years is special

thanks for that xxxxxxx

at least i can put it to rest but in my mind
i cant
im crying now for wat i done
but the memory will stick there forever
even when we have put it aside
she is a mate to me
we can really talk about anything
but pent up anger
all these years
id give her the world
but when they slag my family i flipped
the baby is innocent
sorry to cause distress last night
but my family come first in all respect

and i respect your opinion xxxx

thanks x
monty x


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hi monty, thanks for that, its the ups and downs that brings friendships closer, I am sure you will both put it behind you in time x
Hi hun......I hope you 're feeling a bit better long as you and your mate can put this behind you ...and KEEP talking....I am sure you will be fine.
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thanks cazz

most appreciated x
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thanks pasta
you are a good one
lo love
monty xxxxxxxx

cheers girl
im choked with tears
as she is a best mate to me
i employ her too but
thats not an issue
she is one great lady

as i said my family come first
and always will
but the crunch last night was re the
baby and my daughter
and she said somthing and i flipped
me lid which i regret
but she relised wat she said
and shoudnt have
xxxx xxxxxxx
but thanks to you and leg and ice
xxxxx for last nite x
You have a lot on your plate recently,hun.....sometimes just reach boiling point and have to blow. Hey-be glad it as your mate.....and not some drunken ABer.
Keep smiling...xxxxxxxxx
Hi chicho.

Going off subject, but yesterday I gave my macaw a fruit kebab and you should've seen his eyes flash!

Both parrots love fruit kebabs (pomegranate, apple, orange and grape).

Hey, I'm glad your trouble from last night was solved without too much disruption. Now you must put it behind you lass. Learn from it and then pack it away in life's emotional baggage compartment marked "not wanted on voyage". x
Have you spoken to her yet,she must care for you as she could have you prosecuted for assault,in the cold light of day, the hardest thing and the bravest is to say you are sorry!!!
puddi its been resolved

havent you read?
Nope just come in from work!!!
Monty i know the situation regarding the baby.And its an inniocent.I think in that situation anyone , yes anyone wouldve reacted in a temper.The baby cannot help its situation and noone should mock it or ridicule it either.
I hope ur still bearing up doll.
well id read before commenting any further
theres been enough dramatic crap from folk with no brains and without the facts today

thats for sure
Well pulled the sandbags and switched on the tilly lamps for that thread!!!
Sorry lol meant i pulled up the sandbags,call them want ye want!!!
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we spent a gud few hours

and had a good talk and sorted out the issues that built up over the years
as i said we have never come to this point in fighting
thanks mrs chappie sound ad vice xxxxx
my odd parrot as a thing for my feet
not fruit
also wen hubby comes in he sits at table nikking his supper
hubby aint to impressed
he tells chico 2 to take a hike but chico just takes a bite
to funny to discribe x
Hi chico are you a landlady.i was one once in the leeds area!!!
sorry you are having trouble chico but hey having a friendship for 25 years must mean something more than having to resort to violence. It is never the answer no matter what the circumstances. Sure slagging hurts but did the broken jaw of your friend solve it all. My guess is it may leave you feeling worse. How is she by the way did she see a doctor?

I don't mean to sound harsh its just i dont condone any sort of violence we all meet people in our lives that irk us but we just cant punch them especially friends. I hope things work out for you and that your friend is ok

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