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Cazzzzy stompe is not banned.

So susan beware of the devil
no, on AB no one is ever who they claim to be, you can log out as soon as you have logged in and posted as stompe, otherwise you might be regarded as either knobby, gormless or gravy
Question Author
sorry i couldn't resist lol
you are banned too knobbs?!
Coming back as "Stomped" is hardly very bright then if you want to throw off the past and emerge as a new character. Try something completely different, like "Mucus"
Oi cheeky beech dont put me in the same class as whiffey
cool video leg.
however, this might be better:
stompe is easily mimicked, a vast selection of youtube links posted at the utterance of any word and no provocation, regular outstaying of welcome and occasional leeriness
Yea alittle cazzzy but just a glitch in the machine as usual I am sure I will be back manana
mucus would lead us to believe its gravy
at least hes not struttin on here like a peacock.suit s me

hi stomped lets be friends
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cazzy i thought you was my friend.
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hi legend how are you Mate?
Not to be missed Stomped ^^

With any luck he'll give you his phone number soon.
Im not sure you are stompe, you can continue to be a wounded puppy when you log in as stompe :D
Is it true then stumpy that you are knokno in disguise with diamonds?
ignore the blcksheep boy there

oops old boy

stomped i gotta go
but ill be on later


try and be have
so post a comment as stompe..
That doesn't prove a thing. What if the REAL stompe is also reading this thread and decides to play along?
I dont think he is popular enough to play along

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